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Oxiteno works with excellence and responsibility in all business activities. Learn more.

Portfolio Management

Oxiteno develops solutions aligned with the needs of society. In partnership with its customers, the company positively impacts the society

About Indovinya

Global business division of Indorama Ventures, a leading producer of surfactants and specialty chemicals in the Americas. Learn more about Indovinya here.

Social Responsibility

Oxiteno cares for the communities, develops its suply chain and promotes an inclusive and balanced environment for its employees

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76 results found:
Footbaths – a solution that combines self-care and sustainability

They carry the total weight of our bodies. They spend hours in shoes that are not always comfortable and do not always get exclusive attention in the daily routine of...

Type of publication

March 18, 2022

Indovinya at The Waterborne Symposium 2022

At one of the most important technical conferences on coatings in the United States, on Wednesday, February 23, Kip Sharp, US Sr. R&D Manager at Indovinya, presented the virtual session...

Type of publication

March 4, 2022

Indovinya will be at the In-Cosmetics global 2022

Get to know Indovinya’s ingredients for a complete hair care routine. From April 5th thro 7th, Indovinya will attend the In-Cosmetics Global 2022, in Paris, France. The tradeshow is one...

Type of publication

February 25, 2022

Developing biopesticide formulations

The global biopesticide market is expanding, and in 2026 will be growing at 15% a year. This is significant growth compared with traditional pesticides, whose rate is between one and...

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February 24, 2022

Shampoo and conditioner in bars – a contribution by chemistry to sustainability

Paying attention sustainably developed products is aligned with the expectations of consumers who are increasingly aware of the impact their choices have on the environment. In such a scenario, the...

Type of publication

January 13, 2022

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