Sponsorships, Donations and Social Investments

Sponsorships, Donations and Social Investments

Indovinya, business division of Indorama Ventures PCL understands that is responsible for the impacts of its decisions and activities. Indovinya develops its value chain, from the selection and monitoring of suppliers, to the development of an inclusive and balanced environment for its employees.

Indovinya is continuously contributing to the social development of the communities surrounding its plants. It channels social investments, sponsorships, and donations into educational projects and programs that provide communities with beneficial gains in the present and the future.

How Indovinya supports communities

Indovinya has a Sponsorship, Donation, and Social Investment Committee to review and select institutional and socio-environmental efforts that require charitable contributions, sponsorship, and related activities.

Sponsorship of institutional efforts

Aligned with the company’s institutional strategy.

Apply for institutional sponsorship

Sponsorships of social projects

Aligned with the company’s social strategy, focusing on education and improving social aspects for the communities surrounding the plants.

Apply for social sponsorship

Social investments

Planned, in the medium and long term, focused on education and improving social aspects for the communities surrounding the sites.

Apply for social investment


Charitable contribution, on a definitive basis, of financial or material resources.

Apply for a donation

How to apply for support from Indovinya

The application for sponsorship, donations or social investment must comply with the following requirements:


Be submitted at least 60 days in advance.


Provide information about the company/institution represented (e.g. institutional material)

Project Details

Applications MUST NOT:

  • Be political;
  • Sponsor private individuals;
  • Appeal to violence, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, or pornography;
  • Be religious;
  • Have negative environmental impacts;
  • Contradict the company’s Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics;
  • Encourage the exploitation of child labor;
  • Be discriminatory;

Do you have a project or effort you want Indovinya's support for? Get in touch.

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