

Reimagine chemistry together to create a better world.

For us, sustainability is strategic to ensuring the continuation of our business and leaving a legacy for society.

We reaffirm our commitment to sustainability through our 2030 strategy, with goals that will leverage our environmental, social, and economic actions.

This effort is now being stepped up in the sum of initiatives we call +Sustainability.

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Indovinya Sustainability Strategy


to meet society’s and the planet's needs through our chemistry.

Respect for the planet

Manage environmental impacts to preserve habitats and species, optimize natural resource use, minimize waste and emissions, and enhance business resilience to mitigate climate change effects.

Care for people

Integrate social, environmental, and ethical factors into supplier selection and development, build initiatives with local communities, develop employee potential, and promote the best practices to protect our people and assets.

Integrity and Governance

Uphold responsible corporate behavior with integrity, adhering to laws and company values, treating stakeholders fairly, and effectively managing risks and crises to sustain business continuity.

Sustainable Solutions

Develop products that are sustainably sourced and manufactured, and that can also provide environmental, social and economic benefits while protecting public health and the environment over their entire life cycle.

Check out our progress by clicking on the pillars below.


Material Topic
Q2 2024 Result

Sustainable Products

Have 15% of revenue from sustainable products* by 2025.
64 products in application have been analyzed so far, 70% of which are Performers and Leaders. No Challenges have been identified until now.
Have 50% of new products launched from 2025 and beyond classified as sustainable*.
Of the 17 projects launched (stage 7+concluded), 9 were classified between performer and Leader, which represents 53% of the new sustainable launches.

and Governance

Material Topic
Q2 2024 Result

Business Ethics and Compliance

Continue to improve the Compliance Program, focusing on market recognition of Indovinya’s commitment to high standards of Business Ethics.

• Successful Launch of the Indovinya Compliance Program in India.
• Event for Whistleblowing Channel Managers in Brazil.

Risk and Crisis Management

Manage potential risks and threats, ensuring the continuity of our business.
• Risk profile development concluded for most plants and R&D facilities.

for people

Material Topic
Q2 2024 Result

Responsible Sourcing

Assess 95% of critical suppliers on sustainability performance by 2025.
• Human rights workshop with TfS partnership and meeting with Ecovadis.
Have 80% of critical suppliers on Responsible Sourcing program improve their performance by 2030.
• Release of the new Responsible Sourcing Program with publication on LinkedIn and Indovinya’s website.

Community Relations

Support 100,000 people through STEM education by 2030 (baseline 2022).

•The performance of Q3 puts us with the achievement of 33% of the goal.

Human Capital

Be an increasingly diverse, welcoming and inclusive company, by guaranteeing equal opportunities for all.
• International Women’s Equality Day: Post with 5 employees sharing their perspectives.
• Communication on the International Day for Black, Latin American, & Caribbean Women.
Implement programs to ensure well-being, development, talent attraction and retention
• Empower Program Launch for a target audience of almost 600 leaders from 10 different countries.


Maintain and continue to reduce our worldwide process safety events and recordable injury illness rates at industry-leading* levels.
• Global 12-mo RA TRIR and LTIR for employees in the 1st quartile of ACC peer companies.
• Contractor TRIR in the 2nd quartile.
• Contractor LTIR is in the 3rd quartile.

for the planet

Material Topic
Q2 2024 Result

Climate Change

Reduce 30% GHG emissions in Scopes 1 & 2 intensity by 2030 and be Net Zero by 2050 (baseline 2020).
0.79 ton CO₂/ton prod.
• Development of Carbon Capture Project at Port Neches.
Reduce absolute scope 3 emissions (category 1) in 15% by 2030 (baseline 2022).
• 24 suppliers selected for maturity assessment.
• Scope 3 progress with 58% of requested suppliers.
Implement an action plan to address climate risks by 2030.
• Climate risk study finalized, undergoing internal review.

Eco-efficient operations

Reduce 20% in water withdrawal intensity in water-stressed areas by 2030 (baseline 2022).
4.20 m³/ton prod.
• Water intensity in stressed areas increased, mainly due to higher consumption in Mauá due to specific events.
Reduce 10% of hazardous waste generation per ton produced by 2030 (baseline 2022).
1.5 kg/ton prod.
Reduction of waste by:
• Minimizing obsolete product disposal and
• Increasing by-product sales for recycling.
Manage air emissions, water and energy consumption, and leverage circular economy.
• 0.05% of renewable energy used in Suzano, Brazil.
• Percentage will rise to 1.6% with the Casa dos Ventos Autogeneration project in Brazil.


Preserve biodiversity within our global operations responsibility.
• BioScan Project to develop biodiversity management starting in 2025 with IBAT tool support.

Sustainability report

Sustainability report 2023

Sustainability report 2022

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