Innovative solution increases logistics productivity

Aligned with Indovinya’s sustainability strategies, the Logistics team shared the need with the Innovation area to find a more efficient, fast, economical, and sustainable trailer sanitization model.

The conventional process is manual. A person sprays water and sanitizing products on the internal walls of the tanks. It works, but takes time, has a short validity period, and uses a lot of water. The valves also have to be taken apart to be thoroughly cleaned.

Inspired by a cloud decontamination project during the Covid 19 pandemic, the Innovation area invited the startup responsible to run an experiment with the trailers.

The tests sought to answer the question: if the technology sanitizes changing rooms and environments with sensitive equipment, would it have the same efficiency in trailers? Compliance analysis proved it does.

The innovation was created by startup Aurratech using Fog In Place (FIP) disinfection technology. It consists of a gaseous sanitizer machine, which reaches 100% of the surfaces where it is applied – including valves – in a practically dry process.

Water consumption was reduced dramatically, there was a reduction in energy use, and trailer sanitization time, resulting in greater fleet availability and improved trip scheduling.

The service’s validity period doubled, offering another benefit as it allows for unforeseen delays in logistics.

With these results – another example of Indovinya’s open innovation – the new sustainable sanitization model has been approved and is being implemented with several partners to replace the manual process.

The results of the innovative trailer sanitization process:

1. Water saving = from 3,000 liters to 3 liters per trailer. Since implementation, savings of more than 1 million liters of water have been made
2. Shorter service time = from 6 hours to 30 minutes
3. Longer sanitization validity = from 12 hours to 24 hours


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