The importance of strategic relationships with the external innovation ecosystem in fostering the chemical industry

Indovinya believes in the open innovation model to develop new products and technologies. Therefore it interacts with different actors in the external ecosystem.

The Triple Helix of Innovation model (Government, University, and Industry) has proved very efficient in several countries, and Indovinya also uses this approach. We employ instruments that promote this interaction, such as the EMBRAPII model, which has resulted in ten projects for the company in cooperation with several EMBRAPII units.

In addition to the Triple Helix model, Indovinya is part of business associations that promote discussions on innovation (funding, intellectual property, open innovation, and innovation management), adding knowledge, sharing experiences, learning and assisting with updating public innovation policies.

Indovinya’s participation in associations also promotes interaction and connection with other companies, startups, universities, government entities, consultancies and independent professionals. All looking for the same purpose: innovating.

In Brazil, Indovinya participates in the National Association of Research and Development of Innovative Companies (ANPEI). Examples of collaboration between ANPEI and its associates support some legislation to promote innovation in Brazil, such as the Goodwill Act (Lei do Bem), for example, which is one of the main instruments to stimulate Research, Development, and Innovation (RDI) in Brazil.

This act has enabled the implementation of new RDI centers in the country and the development of more than 20,000 new innovative products, according to the ANPEI guide. Broadly speaking, it shares among companies the risks inherent in innovation by granting tax breaks. In addition to supporting the legislation, ANPEI produced the Guide to the Goodwill Act (Guia da Lei do Bem) to assist companies in law enforcement.

Another example of ANPEI’s role in the sphere of government is the regulation of the Legal Framework for Science, Technology, and Innovation (Law No. 13,243/2016, Marco Legal da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação). It made important suggestions to the text that establishes measures to cut red tape and encourage innovation and scientific and technological research in Brazil.

Other associations that support Indovinya in innovation:
– the Brazilian Association of Fine Chemistry, Biotechnology, and Specialty Companies (ABIFINA)
– Business Mobilization for Innovation (MEI)
– the Brazilian Chemical Industry Association (Abiquim).


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