Oxiteno starts 2021 in the highest EcoVadis Sustainability Rating category

Oxiteno starts 2021 in the highest EcoVadis Sustainability Rating category

The category is achieved by only 1% of the companies evaluated worldwide.

Oxiteno, a leader in the production of surfactants and specialty chemicals in Latin America, has moved up in the ranking reaching the Platinum category in the Ecovadis evaluation. By scoring 73 out of a total of 100 points Oxiteno reached the highest level in rating achieved by only 1% of companies evaluated making it the second Brazilian to do this.

EcoVadis is a platform globally recognized for evaluating corporate sustainability. It’s methodology considers 21 criteria and is based on initiatives such as the International Labor Organization (ILO), the UN Global Compact, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and ISO 26000. Since its first evaluation in 2012, Oxiteno has advanced by 30 points.

“We are delighted by the result. We have achieved significant growth in the last eight years. This achievement is vital because sustainability is at the top our agenda, guiding our strategy as a company,” says Joao Parolin, CEO of Oxiteno.

In 2019, Oxiteno consolidated its 2030 Strategic Sustainability Plan, setting goals to contribute directly to sustainable development and, therefore, to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the UN. Among them is the company’s commitment to promoting sustainability throughout its chain. “We know that the pursuit of excellence in sustainability is an ongoing process, but we are following a successful path. EcoVadis’ evaluation will give us valuable information to evolve further,” says Juliana Silva, Oxiteno’s Global Sustainability Manager.

To learn more about Oxiteno’s sustainability plan and the indices the company takes part in, click here.


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