The OXITIVE 7000® additive line provides multifunctionality, performance, and competitiveness in formulations. Oxiteno has a highly skilled technical team focused on delivering solutions to its customers.
Pigment dispersion process
One of the most critical steps during the manufacture of paints is the pigment dispersion process, due to its complexity and demand for time and energy. Aggregates and pigment agglomerates must be broken down so that the formulation achieves high performance in the final application.
The OXITIVE® 7210 additive has low foam formation and stability as an additional feature, enabling the formulator to reduce the dosage of defoamer, leading to cost reduction and minimal potential failures in the paint. It provides scrub resistance and stability in paints formulated with vinyl acrylic latex at different temperatures.
Foam formation was assessed in a semi-gloss paint formulation with OXITIVE® 7210 . These results prove that, despite the reduction in the defoamer dosage, foaming is lower when compared to the same formulation with Nonylphenol Ethoxylate.
Why choose the OXITIVE® 7210 additive?
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